Friday 24 July 2015

Tips For Preventing Foot And Ankle Injuries

Foot and ankle are the most commonly injured joints in the human body as they bear the entire body weight. The ankle joint supports most daily activities such as walking, running, jumping etc., and it is a target for many injuries. Foot and ankle injuries can occur to anyone but are more common in people actively involved in sports activities, running or dancing.  

Here are some tips that can assist in preventing many foot and ankle injuries:
    Orthopedic Denton
  • Warm Up: It is advisable to do proper warm up exercises before taking part in any strenuous activities such as running, playing a sport, dancing etc. Low intensity foot and ankle exercises like jogging and stretching for at least 2-3 minutes, prior to any strenuous activity, can prepare the body for the intense activity and avoid foot and ankle injuries. It is also imperative to cool down after any such activity.
  • Right Shoes: Wearing the right shoes can give proper support and protection from slips, falls and twists. Shoes play a crucial part in the positioning of foot and ankle. They should be of the right size and proper fitting to prevent blisters and wounds. It is also important to take care that the shoes are appropriate for the corresponding activity. For instance, activities such as football, dance, tennis, golf etc. have distinct requirements for particular type of shoes.
  • Weight Management: Maintaining the appropriate weight can help in reducing pressure from the foot and the ankle. Excessive body mass can stress the ankle and put extra pressure during slips or falls and result in an injury.
  • Protection During Sports Activities: It is important to wear protective gear during sports activities in order to prevent injuries. Rough sport activities can lead to falls, sprains or even fractures in the ankle or the foot.
  • Regular Exercises: Certain stretching exercises can help in building muscle strength and reduce the chances of injuries. The amount of exercises should be increased gradually to prevent sudden stress to the muscles. Regular exercise helps in conditioning the muscles for sports activities and makes them less susceptible to injuries.
  • Avoid Walking Barefoot: Wearing shoes provide support to the feet along with protection from slipping or cut due to any sharp objects on the ground. Walking barefoot can also create tension in the muscles of the feet and be a cause of foot and ankle pain.